Disillusionment and Alienation in Disco Elysium

Disillusionment and Alienation in Disco Elysium CW: Rape/Sexual Assault, Suicide, Heavy Spoilers for Disco Elysium (Title screen for Disco Elysium, showing some of its oil painting like aesthetics.) Disco Elysium is one of those games that had a surprising emotional impact on me, and it's probably one of the most well-written games I've played - something where one of the game's best qualities is the way that it probes introspection in the player to how they would react to the events in it. It's one of those games that feels very revealing, uncomfortable, has a level of dark comedy where it's both absurd but also clearly attempting to interrogate subject matters in a way that works with the absurdity - what's more it's also something that seems to work so well in involving the player into it. The writing is tantalising, it's effortlessly readable and it's acted out with such character; it's very colourful, the prose work in this is something t...