The Debauched, Corrupt World of Conker's Bad Fur Day.
"Marvellous." - Conker the Squirrel Conker's Bad Fur Day was this game that was originally meant as another platform game that Rareware made before drastically being restructured into this very subversive and sophisticated mature audience oriented experience. Vulgar humour abounds, but then the collectathon elements present in the likes of Donkey Kong 64 and Banjo Kazooie/Tooie are heavily streamlined, where the puzzles seem direct and straightforward, and all you do really collect in this game is these wads of cash lying about - which you need to access certain parts of the game. Some puzzles are reduced down to these "context-sensitive buttons" where Conker is granted special abilities literally before the puzzle begins, so there's not really that much in the way of fumbling about or feeling like it's a game stretching itself out as much as possible. Everything here feels way more compact and linear, like it feels less like this giant world to explore,...